Car Seat Blanket

So here it is...I had two problems:

Problem #1: Have you ever had your baby kick off a beautiful baby quilt while in their car seat? Ahh, it's the worst, not to mention if you were unfortunate enough to have your blanket land on a dirty store floor, or the pavement! I have had this happen and it's just plain horrible....I knew I had a problem.....

Problem #2: The dilema of how to keep little baby warm, the cold air would always sneak under blankets and make those little toes all cold.....yet we live where it's not super cold all the time, so I wanted a blanket that could be versatle enough to be used when it gets a little warmer too......
Solution: A car seat blanket, that stays with the car seat. I can't tell you how happy I am that I made this! In the morning when I drive the kids to school I can quickly get my little princess up last, put her in her car seat and snuggle her up to brave the morning chill.
I fold up the top flap (it is designed to tuck under baby and stay snug) then fold over the two other the morning's I have her little arms secured under the blanket. When it gets a little warmer the bottom flap can be removed! The best part is that it's really easy to sew, the front can be made as fancy......or as simple as you want. Or of course if you are anything like me, you could have several of know just in case you are feeling a little spunky, or playful, or even simple with just a monogram....Trust me you will want one (or many) for your little one, or to make for someone you know!


  1. Is there a way to get a tutorial for this? I love it!

  2. I have been looking forward to getting this tutorial, too!!


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