Hungry Caterpiller Crown

Hello! These are pictures that I took of a birthday crown that I made to give to my son for his second birthday in October. The theme of the birthday party was Eric Carle's, The Very Hungry Caterpillar... I knew what I had in mind for his crown but the more that I worked on it, the more fun it became! I also knew that I wanted the focal point of the crown to be the trademark caterpillar. My idea to add the apple and the sun came to me after the caterpillar was in place. I used felt to create both the actual headpiece as well as the cutouts that were used to create the images. I hand cut and hand embroidered each piece onto the crown. I used ribbon for the suns rays and the border of the crown. I think that this is a fair sample of my work seeing as most of the crafting that I do is detail oriented and usually has a focus or a tie to my children. I love creating, especially for little ones, seeing as there is such a small amount of time in ones life to reap the benefit of a special birthday crown, and have it make their entire day! Gotta love that!

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