Candle Mat

Mary at Moonbeams in a Jar sent this fun felt project.


OK ..... GET BUSY !!!! Here's what you need:

Assorted wool felt
Hexagon quilt template
15" x 15" piece wool felt for backing
Black thread
Chalk marking pencil
Freezer paper
2" x 2" piece of template plastic or cardboard (from cereal box)

Use chalk pencil to trace patterns onto wool felt
Cut 7 large (2 1/2") hexagons from assorted wool felt
Cut 6 smaller (1 1/2") hexagons from assorted wool felt
Cut 6 "snowflakes" from assorted wool felt (free hand draw a simple snowflake onto template material and use as a pattern)

using black thread, sew snowflakes onto smaller hexagons (sewing down center of each "arm" of the snowflake)

sew smaller hexagons onto center of larger hexagons (stitching 1/8" from outer edge of smaller hexagon) You will have 6 of these (the 7th hexagon is the plain center )

decide on your hexagon placement

when you are happy with your placement, turn hexagons over and iron small strips of freezer paper on the back to hold 2 hexagons together at a time (since hexagon edges are butted up against each other, the freezer paper strips act like pieces of scotch tape holding the hexagons in place until they are sewn)

turn over again to right side and use a zig zag stitch to connect hexagons together

carefully remove the freezer paper from the backs

after all hexagons are sewn together, place them onto a piece of freezer paper and trace around outer edges

iron this piece of freezer paper onto wool felt backing fabric

and cut out backing hexagon

next layer backing hexagon with hexagon top , matching all edges (pin to hold in place)

stitch 1/8" from edges of center hexagon and ....

....then stitch 1/8" from outer edges of hexagons all the way around. Press and .....

.... TA DAAaaaa !! You're all DONE !!!!

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