Homage to Ingo

I chose to interpret the theme of this week for what it was-for you...As in, for me. As crafters, we are often sewing for our children, friends and family. I don't know about you, but I never make time to give something to myself. I thought this week would be the perfect opportunity to do just that. I didn't even have to check a project list to decide what I wanted to work on...

For me, the perfect project is where art, design and craft meet. I want something beautiful, unique, functional and most importantly-doable!

I chose to create a chalkboard for my kitchen, made from an old frame and some broken dishes. It has a wonderful "diner" feel to it. I love that. Scattered and shattered dishes in a bright white, contrasted against the black chalkboard, this piece could go with anyone's decor. It's a great piece of art for our kitchen, and as a bonus, we now have a place to write our shopping lists, schedules or love notes.

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