Etched Glass Window

What I used:
-A frame with glass (I got mine from Ikea. They were the only ones who sold a square in the size I wanted).
-spray paint (not needed if you don't want to change the color of frame).
-contact paper
-scrapbook paper or fabric with a printed pattern you want to use for you design.
-exacto knife
-etching cream ( I used Armour Etch)
-plastic gloves
This is the frame I used, I painted it white.
I used this piece of scrapbook paper for my pattern.
Step 1: I removed my glass from the frame and applied contact paper over the top. I left a small boarder around the outside. Step 2: I lined my scrapbook paper up with the corner and started cutting away the negative space in the pattern with my exato knife. I traced the design with the knife and then peeled it away. The scrapbook paper was about 1/4 of the size of the glass pane. I had to move it around to finish the pattern.
Step 3: Once the pattern was cut from the entire pane, I applied the etching cream. I followed the directions on the bottle, but added 5 extra minutes to the wait time. Make sure you use gloves and don't rinse your etched glass in a ceramic sink, it will dull the finish.
After rinsing the glass, I dried it, cleaned it with windex and placed it back in it's frame.
*This was a small intricate design. It took me about five hours to cut away the pattern. I did it over a few days. Using a larger and more simple design would make it quicker and easier.


  1. I love this!! This pattern is amazing, but I really don't think I have the patience for it! I think i'll try this with a simpler design. Thanks for the great tips!

  2. Do you have any suggestions on getting an even finish? Whenever I use etch cream you can always see the brush strokes from applying it.

  3. This is an amazing project- I am going to look around for a place I could use this in my house... Thanks for sharing your creativity with us!

  4. LOVE THIS. If you like this look, but want a lazy girl's out, you could get someone who cuts vinyl to custom cut you a pattern, apply it and then use the etching cream. Or even more lazy than that....get the vinyl in the "etched glass" vinyl and just stick it on. HAHA. I am the lazy girl.


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