About/Contact Me

Hi! I’m Missy - wife, mom and wannabe crafter. I live in Northern Utah. My husband and I have been married since 2006. He just finished an undergraduates degree in Speech Communications/Business. Now we're in that limbo period of "work experience" before we head out to Grad School. I was able to finish my English Literature degree just in time to get the best job in the world...stay at home mom! Our little girl is almost 2. I love to craft, but sometimes I need some inspiration. That's why I love the blogging world - it has an endless supply.

My sister and I were talking one day about all the craft blogs I stalk on a daily basis. It got me to thinking, which is my favorite? Do other people have favorites? Then my brother-in-law chimed in with a brilliant idea. Have a craft bloggers head-to-head contest. Thus “So You Think You’re Crafty” was born. I hope you enjoy the fantastic crafts that are presented and appreciate the hard work that went into creating them.

Just remember, projects and tutorials are for personal use only, not for resale or re-distribution. Do not use photos or written instructions in any way without written consent from their creator.

Please feel free to let me know if you have any comments, concerns, questions, theme ideas or if you're interested in competing next "session". I’d love to hear from you (just try to keep it civil please).

My email address is... soyouthinkyourecrafty@gmail.com


  1. thank you very much for your wonderful ideas
    it's very kind of you give the possibility to other people to enjoy with your creations
    federica, Rome-Italy

  2. i'm new to the crafting - blogosphere, but i've been crafting since i was a girl with my mom. i love the crafting challenge you present and all the ideas people come up with! can't wait to see who wins this challenge!!

  3. I love this site! I'm addicted to checking the standings each week. What a wonderful idea! Thanks so much for creating it! Just a note, after you vote, you can see the number of votes and percentages for each craft, but you can't really read them. The coloring is really close to white, so it's hard to read against the background. Just thought you may want to know! Thanks for all you do! I love it!

  4. ilove your site and hope to compete one day (fingers crossed:-). iappreciate a good healthy competition and mixing it with crafts.....just call it HEAVEN! keep up the good work!


  5. missy what a super cute picture! love it!

  6. Missy! just checked out your blog! What a fabulously fun site! So creative! and I love your profile picture ! Adorable and very colorful! I wish you all the success in the world!


Hey guys! I love to hear from you. I really enjoy getting to know all of you better. If you would like me to respond to a question, or you're entering a giveaway please leave your contact info.