New Look!!

Hey everybody! Thanks for looking at the new layout. Although there is a lot I like about the old one I thought it was a little too busy. This one seems more user friendly. Click around and see what you think.

Here's a few things that you might want to know:
  • this post is where I'll put the current challenge (no "landing page" anymore)
  • the title header will be a picture that will change every week to show the new theme
  • on the links in the nav bar you go to a list of pictures and it only has "Session 1". I won't put a "session 2" link until the end of session 2. I'll just list all the new things above the "session 1" (to eliminate having to follow too many links). Does that make sense?
Now for the vote.

Do you like this or the old layout better?
the old can be seen at

I put a poll up on the side so you can cast your vote. Then if you wouldn't mind leaving a comment or emailing me about your likes/dislikes. Please be honest. I really want this blog to reach it's potential and I think the look of the blog is one way to head in that direction.

If I decide to go with this new layout it will start with the next session of SYTYC.




  1. Looks good, Missy! I kinda felt the same way about the old blog. I got a little confused with the different pages, so I just stuck with the pages I knew. I do miss the drop down boxes to go straight to the certain weeks when I was looking for the tutorials or whatever, but maybe that was part of the problem. I don't know. I like the new pink font.

  2. I agree with the poster above. It's easier to read this, and find what you're looking for. Though I'm not a fan of centered text in posts, but that's just me!

    Overall it looks good!

  3. I really like the new, simpler layout. I agree with Kathleen - I'm not a fan of centered text in posts either, but that's just a personal preference. :)

    I like the new font as well. It is much easier to read, especially in the blog button.

    Overall, looks good!

  4. This one is a lot easier on the eyes and simpler to navigate. Looks great :)

  5. Looks great and if you want more content you could always go with a 3 column look!

  6. Missy I LOVE LOVE LOVE the new one...sorry I didn't check it out before the poll closed. It's jsut easier on the eyes. Easier to navigate and way way way less busy!!!

  7. Like this a lot better! Like how bright and happy and easy to navigate it is. If I could vote, I'd vote for the new one.

  8. Girl, you've been hard at work! This looks great! I think it's much easier to navigate than the other format. I like the clean lines and the white background. White is so much easier on the eye. I also like that your ads are off to the side and not flashing. I would agree that I'm not a big fan of centered text, personal preference.

    You've done a wonderful job Missy, can't wait for it to go live!

  9. Love the new look! It's clean and bright.

  10. Love the new layout! Definitely not as busy and more user friendly =) You did an awesome job!

  11. I really liked the old design. I think this one has too much white, it's blinding. I liked the old design as it looked more professional to me...however this one may be easier to navigate...

  12. I MUCH prefer this new layout! It looks clean with all the white which will really make the photos pop. I disagree with the last post that said the other one looked more professional, I feel the opposite, but you'll have that!

  13. i love the new design! I liked the old one too but i love the simplicity and ease of this one. i also love the viewer crafts links- genius! there are just so many crafts that i've been inspired by and done myself and i would love to share and then would love to see the others versions too!! i love this blog and am an avid follower!!! thanks for doing this whole thing. i love it and maybe someday will even be crafty enough to play along!! :)


Hey guys! I love to hear from you. I really enjoy getting to know all of you better. If you would like me to respond to a question, or you're entering a giveaway please leave your contact info.