Happy Holidays!!!

Hello everyone! I'm so excited for this time of year! The holidays have always been a favorite time for me. It's a time where I've been able to gather with my family and friends and share in those things that are most important to me. During the holiday season (Thanksgiving to New Years) four years ago I had a few experiences that really put the holidays in perspective for me. I met my husband and lost my mom to cancer. Both those experiences really helped me to realize that the commercialization of the season isn't what brings us joy, it's the people we share our time with and the things we do together. I know that this year has been tough on a LOT of people and the holidays may not be what they usually are, but I hope that we can all remember the true spirit of this time of year and try to make life a little better for someone else. I hope you all have lots of fun planned with family and loved ones this holiday season. I know I do!

Now enough of my sappy schpeel. The crafters have this week off so
there will be no new crafts until December 28th.

P.S.-The Forever You giveaway has been extended for a little while longer. Yuliya has opened a new section in her shop called "Save Our Planet." She feels, as many of us do, that something needs to be done about the situation our environment is in. She will be donating 25% of all the proceeds from that section of her shop to a non-profit organization. Check out the giveaway page for more details.

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Hey guys! I love to hear from you. I really enjoy getting to know all of you better. If you would like me to respond to a question, or you're entering a giveaway please leave your contact info.