Audition Week!!

When I started this blog it was just a hopeful idea that I didn't think would do very well. I emailed a few of the bloggers that I followed on a regular (maybe obsessive :) ) basis and asked them if they would be interested in participating. I got 10 positive responses. Perfect! Since then, however, I have had quite a few people ask if they could participate. I started to get a little nervous. How was I supposed to choose the 10 you guys would like to see the most when they are all so great? Then I got a marvelous audition round!! The crafts are up and ready to be voted on. The 10 with the highest votes will be moving on to Session 2.

On to other news...

Don't worry. There is still going to be a finale. I'm just giving Dana and Ashley an extra week to get their projects together.

Ashley was our winner this past week with her "Resolution Subway Art." Congratulations Ashley!! But we had to let Vanessa go. She has done an amazing job and it's sad to see her leave.

The winners of the Forever You giveaway have been chosen. Check out the "Giveaway" page to see if you're one of them.

If you, or anyone you know are interested in competing in a future round of "So You Think You're Crafty" please email me! There are so many awesome crafters out there and I would love to see them all! My email address is on the "Contact Me" page.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh what a darling site. I passed it on to a friend. You are sooo creative. Thanks, I signed up to follow your darling blog. Stop by mine sometime!!


Hey guys! I love to hear from you. I really enjoy getting to know all of you better. If you would like me to respond to a question, or you're entering a giveaway please leave your contact info.