Winners & a new Giveaway

You may be thinking to yourself, "Wait. It's Sunday and Missy is posting a post? I thought she only did that on Mondays." Well, I've decided to change it up a bit. I'll try to make all the announcements and give you all the miscellaneous info that's important on either Saturday or Sunday. This way Monday can be devoted entirely to the amazing craftiness you need to vote on.

First off, here is the final tally (I'll be keeping the results secret throughout the week. It seemed to take some of the stress off the crafters and no one wants a stress crafter...just ask my husband. He knows how I can get):
So... congratulations Kristin on winning this week with the Gidget Dress. Wasn't that darling? You can bet my little girl will be getting one her pretty soon. The tutorial is posted here.

I hate this part, but we have to say goodbye to Kim. Doesn't she do amazing work? Remember, you can keep checking up on her at The Sassy Crafter.

The winner of DECOmod Walls $30 credit is posted in the Giveaway section. Congratualtions!

Now for the new giveaway! A $25 giftcard is being given away by Quilt Taffy!! They have some gorgeous stuff. I wish I could enter. I just started quilting and I could really use some of those fat quarters. Check out the giveaway section for more details.

*If you have won a giveaway and have not contacted me please do so asap. I need to get your contact infor to the right person so you can get your prize!*

Remember to check out So You Think You Can Decorate!
It started today and looks amazing!!!


  1. I liked it better when we got to see the results as we voted.
    I accidentally voted the wrong way in the poll last week, I thought the question was asking if I thought it was a good idea to keep the results a secret before voting (yes!), not all week (noooo!!!! the suspense is killing me!!)

    Love the crafty contests, so many great ideas, it's ALWAYS hard to pick just one to vote for!!

  2. Thank you so much for such a great blog!

    Would it be possible in future results posts to let us know what the winning crafter made, and the same for the crafter who was let go? I don't know if most of us recognize the crafters by name, so when they're only identified that way it's hard to know who you're talking about. I know I could go back and look at the challenge, but it's kind of a pain. :)

    Keep up the good work!

  3. Oh my goodness! Usually I can spot "the winner" right away... there is one stand out that I think "OH!! That is the one I am voting for!" This week, they are ALL so awesome, and I want the tute to MOST of them (my two guidelines for how I vote:1. Is it awesome? 2. Do I need a tute to do this project?)

  4. I liked seeing the results as I vote also.
    My small request though is....can you make the font here a tiny big bigger n your posts? it's SO hard to read the part at the beginning that says "You may be thinking to yourself, "Wait. It's Sunday and Missy is posting a post?
    anyway. that's all.

  5. Dana, if you push control and scroll with your mouse dial it will change the font size, bigger or smaller.


Hey guys! I love to hear from you. I really enjoy getting to know all of you better. If you would like me to respond to a question, or you're entering a giveaway please leave your contact info.