Interview with Marjorie!

Hey everybody! I sent all the crafters 8 questions before the contest started and every Wednesday (I know it's late...I had the flu so I'm just getting to it). I'll post them here so you can get to know them a little better! Just scroll down tot the next post for this week's crafts.

(PS... the Banjo strap tutorial is now up in the tutorial tab)

We had to say goodbye to Marjorie last week, but I wasn't ready to yet. I wanted to know more about her and I bet you did too. Here are a few more fun facts about her. To read her bio and see her crafts click here.

  1. Tell us a little about you and your blog.

    Hi! My name is Marjorie. I am the mother of three beautiful children (Ramona-8, Charles-6 and Sienna-3). My blog is called "living with threemoonbabies". It is mostly a crafting blog...with some of my life as the mother of three moon babies mixed in!

  2. How and when did you start crafting?

    I've been crafting as long as I can remember. I come from a family of artists. My main influences being my Mom and Aunt Christy. I am mostly self taught, learning from books...and now the internet!

  3. How often do you craft?

    Whenever I find the time! Crafting is like therapy for me!

  4. Where do you get your inspiration?

    Since having kids, I definitely get a lot of my inspiration from them! I also am inspired by nature (I think that the moon is the most beautiful creation ever), and love this new recycling/upcyling trend!

  5. What is your favorite medium to work in?

    I'm a clay artist, creating with both polymer and ceramic clay. But, I also have a deep love for seed beads! I love and appreciate all art you might see a little bit of everything from me!

  6. What is your guilty pleasure?

    Semi-sweet chocolate chips! I buy the big bag at Costco, and keep them in my freezer!

  7. What makes you smile?

    My kids...and listening to Eddie Vedder sing!

  8. What is your favorite thing to do (other than crafting)?

    I really like to bake, especially sweet treats! I would also love to travel someday, and have many dream destinations and trips already planned in my head.


  1. So sad to see Marjorie go! Her clay art is so great. Everyone better go check her stuff out!

  2. Hooray for Marjorie! Thanks for being willing to share your art. I loved your tiles...and will be following your adventures on your blog. :)

  3. Marjorie,
    Sorry to see you go! Thanks for the great ideas! I'll be heading over to your blog to check out all the wonderful art you will inspire me to create!


  4. Missy,
    I love your idea of interviewing the participants! It's fun to get to know everyone a little better!
    -Sarah from Create Studio


Hey guys! I love to hear from you. I really enjoy getting to know all of you better. If you would like me to respond to a question, or you're entering a giveaway please leave your contact info.