Interview with Holly!

Hey everybody. They move is still in progress (and the internet people won't be able to come until the end of next week!?!) so I won't be able to get the past craft links or tutorial or anything up for a little bit longer. Sorry!

But in the mean-time I'd like you all to get to know Holly a little bit better. She's one amazing lady. Can you believe she did her whole wedding by her self!? To learn even more about her that's not in this interview and to see her crafts click here. (this week's challenge is in the previous post...just scroll down a bit)

  1. Tell us a little about you and your blog.

    I'm a 26 year old Midwestern newlywed who has a serious love for all things pretty. I love sewing, making jewelry, and learning how to use my camera. I work full time as a biomedical engineer during the day, and spend most of my nights in our guest room at the sewing machine. I prefer dreaming up my own designs over following a pattern. I think figuring out how to put things together satisfies the engineer in me! My blog bijou lovely was created as a place to document my creations, inspiration, and tutorials.

  2. How and when did you start crafting?

    I have always loved being creative and making things, but planning my wedding really triggered the need for me to craft more often. I wanted to make sure our wedding was a true reflection of my husband and I, so I handmade everything from the invitations to the table runners on my own. After spending a year creating something almost every night, I needed a place to channel all of that creative energy once the wedding was over, and that's when I started bijou lovely.

  3. How often do you craft?

    work on some sort of craft project almost every night of the week! Even when we're on weekend road trips, I figure out something I can make in the car. I do try to take one night off a week to spend away from the craft room!

  4. Where do you get your inspiration?

    I get my inspiration from a lot of different places. A lot of my ideas just pop into my head as I'm doing other things. I have a running list of ideas written down so I won't forget them! Blogs are a wonderful place to look for inspiration. I have an excessive amount of blogs in my google reader! Magazines, catalogs, and stores are also some of my main sources. If I'm ever feeling uninspired, a trip to Anthropologie or a quick look through a J.Crew catalog can have my head spinning with ideas in no time!

  5. What is your favorite medium to work in?

    I love to sew, and I'm addicted to fabric!

  6. What is your guilty pleasure?

    Gossip Girl and diet soda! Not necessarily together.

  7. What makes you smile?

    My husband! He's wonderful.

  8. What is your favorite thing to do (other than crafting)?

    I love spending time with my family and friends.

1 comment:

  1. yay for holly!! ...but also sad to see her go from sytyc so early!


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