Interview with Cheryl

Tell us a little about you and your blog.

I'm a 28 year old stay at home mom to two little boys, ages 3 and 1, and I love the days we spend together at home. I also love making stuff. I sew, craft, assemble, decorate, re-decorate, bake and build on a daily basis. Our house is messy and we eat too much carry out, but I love creating. My husband lovingly supports my projects and has the decency to wait until I leave the room before rolling his eyes at my latest hair-brained idea. My blog is an attempt to share my projects and maybe even make some connections with similar people.

I also have a shop,, where I sell many of my finished projects, custom items, and other little goodies.

How and when did you start crafting?

For as long as I can remember, I've enjoyed making things. From braiding friendship bracelets out of embroidery floss until now, I've always been in the middle of something creative.

How often do you craft?

Every day! Naptimes are my chance to get crafty and I stay up way too late sitting at my sewing machine. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Where do you get your inspiration?

All over...stacks of pretty fabric, colorful paper, sprinkles, ribbons, yarn, polka dots, gingham, little chairs, dishes, spray paint, tools...I could lose myself for hours in flea markets, IKEA and antique and thrift shops. All of those pretty things send my mind racing with potential and new projects.

Of course, lurking around the blog world doesn't hurt, either. There are so many creative and talented people out there!

What is your favorite medium to work in?

Fabric! I have stacks and stacks of it...I don't think I'll ever get through it all!

What is your guilty pleasure?

I have a serious sweet tooth. I could eat candy by the bagful.

What makes you smile?

The things that my boys find hilarious always make me smile. Their laughter is so sweet and full of life.

What is your favorite thing to do (other than crafting)?

Buy more craft supplies!

Just kidding. I just enjoy spending time with my husband and boys.

Go check her out at her blog, A Pretty Cool Life!


  1. Does Cheryl have a blog? I couldn't find a link to it in the interview.

  2. yep she does and it's REALLY cool! I just added it to the bottom of the interview.


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