Interview with Shilo

*you can still see this week's challenge to vote here*

Tell us a little about you and your blog.
I started a family blog two years ago. Just a way of keeping track of all the little things that happen in our day to day life's. My mom started her blog, Rosy Cheeks, which inspired me to start a craft blog also. I love sharing ideas with everyone in blogger land.

How and when did you start crafting?
Technically I started crafting when I was about 10. My mom was part of that 1980's tole painting craze and she would have my brother and I baste all of her wood. But on a personal level it was when I was on bed rest with my oldest son. I was so bored, so I started scrap booking as away to entertain myself and it has been a hobby ever sense.

How often do you craft?
I usually craft a little each day. Even if it is just assembling charms for my latest swap while watching House or Top Chef. Once a month my mom, aunt, sisters and cousins have a crafty day that is an entire Saturday of food, fun and crafting. Even my 7 year old daughter, 4 year old niece and 6 year old cousin have started insisting on joining us with projects of their own that they work on.

Where do you get your inspiration?
All the wonderful blogs out there are a huge inspiration. I love seeing what others have made and then tweaking it to make it my own. Also my kids. Recently my 11 year old came to me and asked me to create something for him to display all of his scouting pins on. What a great idea! And I never would have thought of it, had he not asked.

What is your favorite medium to work in?
This on is hard, because there are so many. But I have to return to my original love and say paper .Although, lately fabric is a close second.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Oh no, I don't want to admit this out loud...but I would say watching the shows 16 and pregnant or South Park while enjoying a diet busting sherbet float.

What makes you smile?
My Kids and my sweet hubby of 13 ears for sure! But also seeing a project I made enjoyed by someone. I recently made my kids and nieces and nephew fabric snakes...really easy, took like 15 minutes...but the played with them for days!

What is your favorite thing to do (other than crafting)?
My hubby and I are movie watchers, we own more movies than I want to admit out loud. I also enjoy camping, 4 wheeling and being outside. I love to cook and bake, even though I will probably never master the mysteries art of the yeast bread....I think even my poor mom has given up on me!

Thanks for taking a minute to get to know me. Stop by and visit my blog if you get a chance!

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