I've always loved creative things, I guess partially because those I loved were creative. After graduating with a degree in Journalism I became an event planner. I planned weddings, corporate, and church events. I would plan other people's events creatively, but rarely did I create for myself. My supportive husband continually encouraged me to pursue and cultivate my talents, then one year he and my parents surprised me with an embroidery and sewing machine all in one Christmas!

Slowly, slowly my personal creative juices returned and my confidence grew until one day back in March of 2008 I decided to start a craft club to surround myself with other women like myself who may have a tiny spark of creativity that just needed to be encouraged. Our craft club, "Create" began that March and is still going strong, meeting once a month to laugh, craft and eat chocolate! I started my blog Create Studio to keep up with some ideas for our craft group, but now it has taken on a life of its own!

I'm a wife, homemaker, mother of one little wild man, an organizational guru, and a lover of dark chocolate. I love to collect ideas, and I love the simple things that make life so much fun! It gives me pleasure to help those around me tap into their creative sides to make something beautiful or discover their passions. I am not talented on my own. I was created in the image of a creative God and He has graciously given me every ounce of inspiration. My blog is a resource to bring Him glory. Join me and tap into your creative side!

Sarah's Crafts:

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