Interview with Jessica!

*You can still see this week's challenge and vote here! and don't forget the Staker Sensations giveaway here!*

As promised, this week I will be featuring the few crafters that I was wasn't able to while we had no internet access. First up it's Jessica from Running with Scissors!

1. Tell us a little about you and your blog. I'm the wife of a student that will graduate next month, looking forward to move on from student life and wish I could as easily move on from the student loans. We have one son who is 2 years old. I have a little etsy shop, mainly selling children's items. I started my blog in 2007 to show my mom my projects since I lived on the other side of the country. For over a year I think she was the only one that looked at it. It's just a little blog of my projects and ideas, and I try to share instructions and tutorials on things I think others may want to duplicate. It's probably mainly sewing, but there are some crafts mixed in with painting, furniture makeovers, random stuff, etc. For a while I've been in a phase using freezer paper stencils with fabric paint on everything.

  1. How and when did you start crafting? My mom is very creative very talented, from a young age she'd include us in her projects and I think just watching her create so much from wedding gowns to stained glass windows, and even furniture, the passion for creating and projects rubbed off

  2. How often do you craft? daily pretty much. I do my best to restrict it to during naps or after my son's asleep at night. There are very few nights when all the chores are done that I'm not working on a project. If I'm not able to actually work on one, I am usually sketching ideas.

  3. Where do you get your inspiration? anywhere really: other blogs, nature, magazines, a piece of fabric, childhood memories, wrapping paper, a cool color of spray paint, junk that needs a new life

  4. What is your favorite medium to work in? I get bored of one area, so I don't know that I have a favorite. I try to switch it up between painting, crafty (paper/glue/ribbon/etc), woodworking. But most of the time I am sewing.

  5. What is your guilty pleasure? watching chick flicks

  6. What makes you smile? brownies, fresh flowers, appreciation

  7. What is your favorite thing to do (other than crafting)? lay on the grass outside in warm weather and do nothing at all

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