AMAZING Craft Retreat Deal

Raise your hand if you would like to spend 2-7 days at the above 5 star resort crafting with a few of your favorite friends. Not only crafting, but also having unlimited spa use at a world class spa with dinners included. How would you like all that for under $100 a night? Who wouldn't? I mean the place has a luxury boat dock in the lobby!

While I was at the Casual Bloggers Conference a few weeks ago I met a wonderful lady named Liz. She has a sister-in-law, Charise, that does a craft retreat called Craft and Crop just outside of Palm Springs CA every year around the end of July.

Guess what? There are still some spots available and they're giving you $20 off a night if you mention that you found out about it through SYTYC!

Go check out the blog for the event here for prices and a full list of everything included(there's a ton). Make sure you look at the Resort and Spa websites too.

I hope I'll get to see you there!

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