Interview with Chris!!

1 . Tell us a little about you and your blog.
I'm a wife and mom, who also happens to be a recent graduate and AuD (doctor of audiology).
My professional coworkers have no idea I also have a secret identity as a craft blogger! I work
5-10 hours a week outside of our home to keep my license and skill set current. My
introduction to blogging began after my baby was born in 2008. I began a family blog to share
photos with our extended family. Last summer during a break from school and work, I began
my craft blog. It started as just a place to track great ideas for the future, and has evolved into
what it is now. My goal is to make it a place for real moms to find inspiration to spark their
own creativity, and the creativity of their children. Check the blog out at Pickup Some Creativity.

2 . How and when did you start crafting?
I have had the love of creating instilled in me since I was a tiny girl. My mom says she put a
pencil in my hand when I was one, and I immediately started drawing circles. Since then, I
have explored many different mediums including graphite, prisma pencils, water colors, and
oil paints. I have also enjoyed sewing since I was four, thanks to my mom. The advent of my
children has given me a lot of incentive to hone my sewing skills. Now, most of my creating
is done with fabric and my sewing machine. However, I am always wanting to branch out into
other mediums or combining mediums.

3 . How often do you craft?
I craft every chance I get. I have to set rules for myself, or I'd do it ALL the time. (My list of
future crafts I want to tackle is really long!) I have to get a load of laundry folded or the floor
swept before I can make time for some crafting. I try to limit my crafting to when my little ones
are sleeping and the older kids are at school. I also tend to craft late at night, when everyone is
asleep...especially around Christmas time.

4 . Where do you get your inspiration?
Most of my inspiration comes from a specific need. For example, my fabric Easter baskets
were created because I needed something I could pack away easily after the holiday was over.
I also get excited when I see a cute outfit, and then figure out how I can put something similar
together. I've started to make patterns from existing things my kids have, like a cute dress or
shirt. Of course, I began this whole adventure because I was inspired by other crafters I found

5 . What is your favorite medium to work in?
For now, it is fabric. I love to sew just about anything these days. When my children are older,
I'd like to start painting again...other than my walls!

6 . What is your guilty pleasure?
Reading books. Once I begin a book, I have a hard time putting it I have to be careful
about beginning a new one!

7 . What makes you smile?
Hearing my husband hum as he gets ready in the morning, getting spontaneous hugs from my
kiddos, watching my children enjoy something I've made for them, spending time in beautiful
places like Yellowstone and the Grand Canyon with my family.

8 . What is your favorite thing to do (other than crafting)?
Spending time with my kids. I LOVE the summer because everyone is home, and we can go on
adventures together, even if it's just in the backyard. We watched the Leonid meteor shower last
summer snuggled in blankets on our lawn with the dog around our feet. It's one of my favorite
memories. I also love sitting together and reading to them. This summer we're going to read
the Chronicles of Narnia. I'm so excited!


  1. I LOVE that you're living a double life - LOL!

  2. I'm leading a double life as an AuD student (first year!) and a crafter, too :)


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