Hi! My name is Linda and I’m a Craftaholic. Seriously. The hubs did the whole intervention and everything. The hubs and I have been married for 5 amazing years. He *occasionally* helps me with some of my projects. If you ask him, he’ll deny everything. I’m a SAHM to the cutest little stinker and the joy of my life. I heart mommyhood. If I have any time left over after playing with my cute little family and crafting; I love to run, scrapbook, and play tennis.In that order.

My regular gig is over at Craftaholics Anonymous, a place where I share my many crafts, ideas, tips, giveaways, product reviews, home décor, a little fashion, and tons of tutorials. I love finding unique things to create with or putting a twist on a well loved item.

*Linda left the competition Week 3*

Linda's Crafts:

1 comment:

  1. I loved that cute clutch made from an old suit jacket! I hope you'll still post the tutorial on your blog for it :)


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