In a ‘previous’ (before so many kids) life I used to teach Anatomy and Physiology, and loved it. Now my time is spent being a mom, to four wonderful kids, and primary president in my ward.

I have always turned to crafts as a way to relax. I used to spend most of my time scrap booking and was featured in several magazines, now I find that sticking photos in a photo album works just fine for me ;-) Currently I love sewing and quilting, and trying out great new ideas I see on other blogs.

I started a family blog for my husband to keep up with the day-to-day happenings of our family, as he works out of town. Just recently I started a craft blog also, so that I could post what I really do when he is out of town ;-) Feel free to follow me (trust me you’ll be one of the first) on my new blog called Pea Pod Creations.

Kristin's Crafts:

1 comment:

  1. Even though you didn't win, I hope you'll put up a tutorial for that cute bag on your blog!! :)


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